

Let's go fly a kite, up to the highest height...Let's go fly a kite and send it soaring!

"The bonny blue sky
waves banners of white.
Unravel the strings,
up, up goes my kite.

I run through th' grass;
I can't let it fall.
I tug on the strings--
'tis too much to haul!

Up, up through the air
I fly, fly, fly...
high up past the banners
of white in the sky.

I look to the earth,
wave to everyone.
Then higher I go,
up, up to the sun."

Spring is finally here--the sun is shining and everything is turning green.
Out here in Colorado, the wind is blowing wildy...

So, come on, let's go fly a kite--who knows? You might be in for a ride!

post title: "Let's Go Fly a Kite" from Mary Poppins
poem: "Kite Ride" by me

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