My great grandmother told us how she used to read the Bible while cooking. She said she'd read a bit of the recipe, read a scripture, then go back to the recipe. Her husband once said to her, "Okie, you can't even cook without reading the Bible." She's a real blessing to us--and a beautiful example of a woman who can't get enough of the word of God.
She's blind and can't hear very well now, so it's very hard for her because she can't read the Bible any more. My grandmother reads to her in the mornings, but she confesses that it's not the same to be able to read it for herself. Instead, she just sits and talks with Jesus.
I feel guilty around her--not because I've done anything wrong, but because of the things I haven't done. I have never really thirsted for the word of God so much that I long to read it all day long, with whatever I am doing. And I don't know the word like she does.
But I have learned to love talking with God. And I'm endlessly thankful for the 'interceding and standing in the gap' my great grandmother has done for so many people.
I want to be just like her, especially in the way she prays. I want to stand in the gap, to intercede for the broken, to be a prayer warrior, and to be as close as an earthly being can to my Father in Heaven.
Because, as Oswald Chambers wrote, "It is not so true that "prayer changes things" as that prayer changes me and I change things."
Inspiration for this post: GirlTalk: An Intenser Relish
Oswald Chambers quote from this devotion: What's the Good of Prayer?
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