

I'm on the merry-go-round of life I want to get off but I don't know how I could try to jump off right away But there's no guarantee I'd make it...

Life is so very hectic right now (so the Rosie-Daisy wont be daily for a while :P).
We're heading out on every day until then is for packing. We're taking what we need for now--we probably won't see the rest for a year!! (aaaah!!!! What will I do without my piano?!?!)
We said goodbye for the last time to our friends on Sunday.
Meanwhile, my brother and his bride are on their honeymoon! I hope the weather warms up for them. Their beautiful wedding ceremony was on Sunday.
But while my life looks and feels so crazy, I really am blessed compared to others. Especially those recently hit with tornadoes.
Let's keep them in our prayers, for 'the effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.' (James 5:16)

post title: Tal and Acacia, "Merry Go Round"

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